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Table 1 Incidence of pleural effusion in patients with CP CML with exposure to dasatinib

From: The occurrence and management of fluid retention associated with TKI therapy in CML, with a focus on dasatinib




70 mg twice daily

n = 167

100 mg once daily

n = 166


Pleural effusiona


   All grades

26 (16%)

12 (7%)


   Grades 3-4

2 (1%)

2 (1%)


  1. aClassifications are as follows: grade 1, asymptomatic; grade 2, symptomatic, intervention with diuretics or up to two therapeutic thoracenteses indicated; grade 3, symptomatic and supplemental oxygen is required, greater than two therapeutic thoracenteses, tube drainage, or pleurodesis indicated; grade 4, life-threatening (e.g., causing hemodynamic instability); grade 5, death.
  2. Data from Shah et al[22]