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Table 1 Patient characteristics

From: The dynamics of RUNX1-RUNX1T1 transcript levels after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation predict relapse in patients with t(8;21) acute myeloid leukemia


n = 208

 Median age when receiving HSCT, y (range)

30 (4–57)



124 (60%)


84 (40%)

 c-KIT gene at diagnosis


69 (33%)

  Wild type

80 (39%)


59 (28%)

 First CR induction courses


136 (65%)


58 (28%)


14 (7%)

 Interval between diagnosis and HSCT

  <8 months

110 (53%)

  ≥8 months

98 (47%)

 Disease status when receiving HSCT

  First CR

179 (86%)

  Second CR

29 (14%)

 Donor source

  HLA-matched sibling

60 (29%)


135 (65%)

  Unrelated donor

10 (5.5%)

  Cord blood

1 (0.5%)

 Conditioning regimen

  Chemotherapy based

204 (98.1%)

  TBI based

4 (1.9%)