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Fig. 2 | Journal of Hematology & Oncology

Fig. 2

From: Posttranslationally modified progesterone receptors direct ligand-specific expression of breast cancer stem cell-associated gene programs

Fig. 2

PR Ser294 phosphorylation and total PR H-scores are not correlated, and PR Ser294 phosphorylation H-scores were negatively associated with various tumor characteristics. a H-scores for total PR expression and phospho-Ser294 PR were compared among individual tumors spots from our TMA study. A Pearson correlation was calculated (r = 0.104, R 2 = 0.0108). Tissue spots considered “positive” had an H-score of >20. Four quadrants were labeled (1−4) and discussed in the text. b Left: TMA spots were separated based on benign breast tissue (BBT) or tumor tissue (TT) pathological classification, and PR Ser294 phosphorylation H-scores were plotted (gray dots) with mean values (blue dots, ±95% CI). Right: H-score densities reveal wide distributions for both groups, but H-scores among TT samples are skewed toward zero. c Same analysis as Fig. 2b, except for total PR H-scores. d With IHC staining scores and patient metadata from our breast cancer TMA study, we used multiple regression to predict PR Ser294 H-scores from various factors. Significant variables (P < 0.05) have 95% CIs non-overlapping with the zero line

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