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Table 3 Nuclear receptors can recognize and bind many ligands which have similar structures/patterns via its ligand-binding domain

From: A comprehensive data mining study shows that most nuclear receptors act as newly proposed homeostasis-associated molecular pattern receptors

Features of nuclear receptors’ ligand-binding domain


1. Ligand-binding domains have the capacity to bind coactivator segments with LXXLL sequences, and corepressor segments with LXXXLXXX[I/L] sequences (where L = leucine, I = isoleucine, and X = any amino acid)


2. A single nuclear receptor controls the multitude of gene expressions


3. The ligand-binding domain consists of a hydrophobic pocket that can bind a hydrophobic ligand


4. Flexible ligands can contort to fit in the ligand-binding pocket


5. Pharmacological antagonists and have been shown to bind to the receptor in the ligand-binding site and to inhibit hormone-activated receptor function


(1). NR1A1 ligand-binding domain can bind 3,5-dimethyl-3-isopropylthyronine except thyroid hormone


(2). NR1B3 ligand-binding domain can bind to all-trans retinoic acid except vitamin A and related compounds


(3). NR3A1 ligand-binding domain can bind to estradiol and raloxifene