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Table 1 Patients characteristics

From: Tyrosine kinase inhibitor discontinuation in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia: a single-institution experience


Median [range] or N (%)

Total N = 100

Age (years)

49 years [16–74]


57 (57)

Transcript type


50 (50)


30 (30)

 b2a2 + b3a2

17 (17)


1 (1)

Sokal score

 Low risk < 0.8

35 (35)

 Intermediate risk 0.8–1.2

21 (21)

 High risk > 1.2

4 (4)

 Not available

40 (40)



 Previously treated with interferon

32 (32)

 Frontline imatinib

43 (43)

 Frontline dasatinib

13 (13)

 Frontline nilotinib

9 (9)

 Frontline ponatinib

2 (2)

 Frontline bosutinib

1 (1)

Number of TKI lines

 1 line

68 (68)

 ≥ 2 lines

32 (32)

TKI at time of discontinuation


47 (47)


35 (35)


14 (14)


2 (2)


2 (2)


 BCR-ABL/ABL at 3 months

  < 10% (IS)

53 (95)

  ≥ 10% (IS)

3 (5)

 Duration (months) from start of TKI to CCyR

4 [2–78]

 Duration (months) from start of TKI to MMR

7 [1–91]

 Duration (months) from start of TKI to MR4.5

17 [2–146]

At discontinuation

Duration (months) from diagnosis to discontinuation

119 [11–403]

Duration (months) of last TKI before discontinuation

82 [1–198]


121 [11–198]


64 [5–163]


71 [1–119]


47 [38–126]


15 [15–15]

Duration (months) of MR4.5 before discontinuation

75 [1–178]

 < 2 years

11 (11)

 2 to 4 years

15 (15)

 4 to 6 years

20 (20)

 6 to 8 years

17 (17)

 8 to 10 years

20 (20)

  ≥10 years

17 (17)

Reason for TKI Discontinuation

 Adverse events

53 (53)

  Second cancer

2 (4)


47 (47)

  Sustained MR4.5

38 (84)


6 (13)

  Financial reasons

3 (7)

Outcome after TKI discontinuation

 Follow-up (months) after TKI discontinuation

30 [5–112]

 Loss of MR4.5

35 (35)

 Loss of MMR

17 (17)


30 (30)

 MMR after retreatment

29 (97)

 MR4.5 after retreatment

28 (93)

 Lost to follow-up after retreatment

1 (3)

Status on last follow-up


2 (2)


5 (5)


85 (85)


8 (8)a

  1. CCyR complete cytogenetic response, IS international score, MMR major molecular response, MR4.5 molecular response of 4.5-log reduction from baseline, TKI tyrosine kinase inhibitor
  2. aAll patients died while in MR4.5