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Table 2 Recent single-cell studies on HSC aging at the genetic and epigenetic levels

From: Mechanisms and rejuvenation strategies for aged hematopoietic stem cells

Author and year

Age of object

Number of analyzed cells /measured cells

Cell types



Kowalczyk et al. 2015 [22]

Young mice: 2–3 months; 176/200 (each type)

Aged mice: > 22 months; 176/200 (each type)



MPP: LSK CD150−CD48+


Cell cycle-related genes dominated the transcriptome variability. There was a lower frequency of cells in the G1 phase among old long-term HSCs.

Grover et al. 2016 [25]

Young mice: 2–3 months; 52/61

Aged mice: 20–25 months; 62/74

LSK CD150+CD48−

Fluidigm C1 single-cell AutoPrep system

The principal pathways enriched in young HSCs were involved in cell cycle progression, while those in old HSCs were involved in growth factor signaling.

Mann et al. 2018 [34]

Young mice: 2–3 months; 124~186 (each type)

Aged mice: 20–24 months; 124~186 (each type)



MPP: LSK CD150−CD48+


LT-HSCs from young and aged mice had differential responses to inflammatory challenge. CD61 was a marker of myeloid-biased LT-HSCs.

Frisch et al. 2019 [11]

Young mice: 1.5–2 months

Aged mice: 20–24 months

LSK CD150+CD48−Flt3−

Fluidigm C1 single-cell AutoPrep system

Most aged LT-HSCs highly expressed megakaryocyte-biased genes, including Selp, Vwf, and Itgb3. CD41 and CD61 were associated with aged megakaryocytic HSC bias.

Oetjen et al. 2018 [118]

Humans across an age range from 24~84 years

76,645/> 90,000

Mononuclear cells in BM

10X genomics single-cell 3′ solution

The authors identified all the major BM mononuclear populations and age-associated changes in cell population frequencies.

Hennrich et al. 2018 [114]

Young humans: < 30 years; 291

Aged humans: > 50 years; 228



The mRNA levels of age-increased glycolytic enzymes were higher in myeloid-primed than in lymphoid-primed HSPCs.

Adelman et al. 2019 [15]

Young humans: < 40 years; 338

Aged humans: > 60 years; 310


Fluidigm C1 single-cell AutoPrep system

The authors observed a decrease in cycling-HSC and lymphoid-primed multipotent progenitors with age.

Florian et al. 2018 [119]

Young mice: 2.5–3 months

Aged mice: 20–26 months

LSK CD34−Flk2−


Young HSCs divided mainly asymmetrically, while aged HSCs divided primarily symmetrically.

Cheung et al. 2018 [85]

Young humans: < 25 years

Aged humans: > 65 years

Primary human immune cells

Epigenetic landscape profiling using cytometry by time-of-flight (EpiTOF)

The authors found consistent increases in chromatin marks in a broad array of cell subtypes from hematopoietic progenitors to terminally differentiated immune cells.