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Table 2 Clinical features of gene mutations in AML (class I mutations)

From: Current findings for recurring mutations in acute myeloid leukemia


Clinical Features

Selected Ref.




Association with a higher leukocyte count, increased RR, decreased DFS, and decreased OS.

[14, 28, 49–52]

21-24% in AML


Prognosis was not influenced.


5-7% in AML


Clear tendencies for worse OS and EFS were found in patients with high FLT3 expression.

[53, 54]



No prognostic significance. However, subgroup analysis did reveal that the PTPN11 mutation was a poor risk factor for OS of AML patients who did not have NPM1 mutations.


5.1% in AML


No significant prognostic impact for OS, EFS and DFS.


10.3% in AML


Adversely affect OS in AML with inv(16). Adverse impact of mutation of KIT on RR in t(8; 21)AML. KIT mutations had an independent negative impact on OS and EFS in patients with t(8;21) but not in patients with a normal karyotype.

[66, 68, 69]

1.7% in AML

22-45% in t(8; 21) 29-48% in inv(16)


n. d.

[72, 73]

1.1% in AML/MDS

16% in inv(16)AML