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Fig. 6 | Journal of Hematology & Oncology

Fig. 6

From: JMJD4-demethylated RIG-I prevents hepatic steatosis and carcinogenesis

Fig. 6

Methylated RIG-I associates AMPKα to inhibit HMGCR phosphorylation and enhance cholesterol synthesis. a HMGCR, ACC, AMPKα, and their phosphorylation were examined in liver tissues of male Rig-If/f and Rig-Ihep−/− mice. b HMGCR, AMPKα, and their phosphorylation were examined in liver tissues of male Rig-If/f and Rig-Ihep−/− mice fasting for 16 h. c The AMPKα-HMGCR interaction and AMPKα-RIG-I interaction upon fasting for 16 h were evaluated using immunoprecipitation in liver tissues from male Rig-If/f and Rig-Ihep−/− mice. d V5-tagged AMPKα and Flag-tagged RIG-I mutants as indicated were transfected into HHL5 hepatocyte cell line, and their association was tested by immunoprecipitation. e, f HE (e) and oil red O (f) staining were analyzed in the liver tissues of HFD model in male wildtype, RIG-I K18M+K146M or K18A+K146A mutant mice. Scale bars: 20 μm. g, h HE (g) and oil red O (h) staining were analyzed in the liver tissues of HFD model in male Jmjd4f/f and Jmjd4hep−/− mice. Scale bars: 20 μm. Data are shown as photographs from one representative of three independent experiments

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