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Fig. 2 | Journal of Hematology & Oncology

Fig. 2

From: Broadly applicable TCR-based therapy for multiple myeloma targeting the immunoglobulin J chain

Fig. 2

Investigation of cross-reactivity by Jchain-specific T-cell clones. IFN-γ production by T-cell clones measured by ELISA after overnight co-culture, technical duplicates are depicted. Graphs are separated based on peptide-HLA specificities. A T-cell clones were stimulated with a panel of cell lines of non-B cell origins transduced with target HLA (+ A1, A24, A3 or A11) or naturally expressing target HLA molecules (A1pos, A24pos, A3pos or A11pos). HLA-transduced K562 cells were included as negative control (neg ctrl), target gene and HLA-transduced K562 cells were included as positive control for T-cell function (pos ctrl). THP-1 A24 was not recognized by allo-HLA-A24 T-cell clone; therefore, this cell line was excluded from data as stimulatory capacity is lacking. B T-cell clones were stimulated with an EBV-LCL panel containing EBV-LCLs expressing HLA-I alleles with an allele frequency over 1% that do not express target HLA alleles. Controls as in A

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